Faculty & Staff


Pat Martens, CPA,CMA
Chief Financial Officer
Layton Friesen, PhD
Academic Dean, Professor - Bible & Theology
Carl Loewen, MA
Dean of Student Services, Professor - Intercultural Studies
Kaylene Buhler, BRS
Director of Recruitment & Communications


Melissa Dueck, BMus, BEd
Professor - Worship
Josh Dueck, MA,
Dean of Men, Indigenous Student Advisor, Professor - Bible
Emily Dyck, BA
Dean of Women, Community Life Coordinator
Garth Friesen, MA
Professor - Youth
Sheila Ginter, MA
Professor - Counselling
Terry Hiebert, PhD
Professor - Theology, Director of Online Learning
Terry Kaufman, MA
Professor - Marketplace & Ministry Leadership
Randy Krahn, BA
Pursuit Director
Gord Penner, ThM
Professor - Old Testament
Ryan Smith, PhD (cand)
Professor - Bible & Theology

Adjunct Faculty

Vera Barg, MA
Adjunct Faculty, Social Sciences
Ben Dueck, MA
Adjunct Faculty
Luann Hiebert, PhD
Adjunct Faculty, English
Darryl Klassen, DMin
Adjunct Faculty, Anabaptist History and Theology
Richard Klassen, BTh
Adjunct Faculty, Drama
Arley Loewen, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Jeff Neufeld
Adjunct Faculty, Free Servant
Myrna Reimer, BEd
Adjunct Faculty
Rob Reimer, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Michael Zwaagstra, MEd
Adjunct Faculty


Kari Bachmeier
Marketing and Communications Coordinator 
Nathan Bartel, BA
Admissions Counsellor
Gil Drolet
Director of Food Services
Angela Dueck, BA
Library Technician
Els Fenton
Director of Advancement
Eleanor Friesen
Food Services
Lara Funk
Executive Assistant, Office Manager
Lisa Loewen
Food Services
Lucille Penner
Food Services
Christian Peters
Accounting Manager
Bev Plett, BRS
Advancement Assistant
Bonnie Reimer
Accounting Assistant, Receptionist
Sharon Reimer
Dima Shevchenko, BA
Business Assistant