Frequently Asked Questions


Why Attend Steinbach Bible College?

Top 8 Reasons to Attend Steinbach Bible College

  1. Personal Relationship with God – Students attending SBC are looking to grow in spiritual maturity, faith development and in their personal relationship with God. Each element of student and academic life seeks to develop a rich spiritual maturity and vibrant living walk with God.
  2. Discover God’s Word – Many of us go to Sunday school when we’re young and know many of the stories, but do we know how they are all connected? How does the Old Testament connect with the New Testament? Perhaps more important, how does it relate to my life? Courses like Biblical Interpretation can help connect the dots and bring the Bible to life!
  3. Train for a Life of Ministry – If you are interested in part-time or full-time ministry, many organizations prefer that you have at least a year or more of Bible College. Be stretched, challenged and shaped as you prepare for a life of a ministry at home, overseas, at church, at work, and at play.
  4. Become More Effective as a Christian – many people think Bible College is simply a training school for pastors and missionaries. God has called each of us to be a “missionary” whether we have a career here in Steinbach or if we go overseas to help AIDS victims in Africa. Bible College challenges your everyday walk with Christ and opens your eyes to ways you can be a light to everyone around you.
  5. Have a Blast – Studies and hard work are certainly part of the experience but so is having fun in community! Experience a rich and vibrant community life.
  6. Make Lasting Friendships – A Bible College community is made up of real people with real needs and struggles. But as you walk alongside one another and work through your faith and struggles in a community like that, bonds grow that often last a lifetime. They are a lot stronger and deeper than just your average friendships.
  7. Be Grounded in Your Faith – A large percentage of high school graduates who claim to be Christians and go to a secular college or university no longer go to church by the time they graduate secular university. Bible College helps you become more solid in your faith. Bible College is a safe place to struggle through faith issues, ask questions, be challenged in your thinking and learn how to withstand pressure when you do attend a secular university or college.
  8. Make a Lasting Investment – Do you desire to be more involved with your church? Do you desire to make an eternal impact in your local community or beyond? Don’t leave this important work to chance. Get the training you need to be effective throughout your life-time of service.

Ultimately, students leave SBC changed. They have developed a deeper understanding of how the world needs to be reached for Jesus Christ and they have the desire and resources to impact people in their ministries and careers.

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By attending SBC you can expect these outcomes:

  • Biblical Understanding: Know the foundational story and major themes of the Bible; provide thoughtful interpretation, analysis, and application of the Scriptures to life in cultural context.
  • Theological Convictions: Articulate orthodox Christian theological convictions on core beliefs with appreciation for Anabaptist and evangelical theology.
  • Christian Life and Character: Pursue a vital relationship with God, submit to Jesus Christ as Lord, and display a life of integrity and godliness in moral choices, personal relationships, and healthy living.
  • Ministry Mindset: Commit to God’s mission for the church by bringing Christ’s love to the world through word and actions, in local and global contexts.
  • Ministry Area Proficiency: Display college level expertise in the major, minor or focus area of studies.
  • Interpersonal Competence: Grow in understanding others to become a respectful, compassionate, and responsible team member in social, family, and church groups.
  • Intercultural Awareness: Understand and appreciate global cultures, engaging respectfully with people in diverse contexts.
  • Servant Leadership: Demonstrate servant leadership through personal example, initiative, problem solving, and organizational skills for effectively building the body of Christ.
  • Analytical Reasoning: Practice critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and information literacy skills to reach informed conclusions.
  • Effective Communication: Possess skills to effectively communicate ideas through written, spoken, digital, and creative forms.
  • Integrative Thinking: Develop a Christian worldview and research skills to integrate multiple perspectives in solving complex problems.

Where is there internet access on campus?

Wireless Internet access is available throughout the college building and in the residence. Students also have access to a number of computers with internet access in the library and Bookstore Cafe. 

Campus Life

Are there meals on weekends?

Yes, all weekend meals are part of the meal plan. However, dorm students will be expected to sign up for meals they plan to attend so the kitchen can prepare accordingly. 

Can I get a part time job?

There are a variety of businesses in the area where you could find work. You can work up to 20 hours off campus while studying full time. 

Can I make my own meals in dorm?

All dorm students must be on the meal plan. The dorms do have a full community kitchen should some personal food prep be desired. 

Do I have to live in the college residence?

If you are a single student, it is strongly recommended that you live in the college residence for at least your first year at SBC. Full-time first year students under the age of 21 not planning to live at home need to apply to the Student Services department for approval to live out of residence.

How do I do my laundry?

There are washers and dryers in all dorms. Student must provide their own detergent. “HE” laundry detergent only.

If I don't live in dorm, can I still have some meals in the cafeteria?

Food services would gladly prepare lunch for you if you let them know by 9:30 in the morning. Individual lunch passes are available or you are able to purchase a pass for 20 lunches. Prices will be available in September.

Is there on-campus employment?

Yes there is on-campus employment, including kitchen work (extra opportunity to work on weekends), tutoring, sports assistants and dorm custodial work. Workers are paid minimum wage. You can apply for a job when you register for classes (there are approx. 30-40 jobs available).

What if I have allergies to specific foods?

Please let us know prior to registration (on your application form) so food services can accommodate you. Additional charges may apply.

What should I bring?

Bedding-deep fitted twin sheets, towels, hangers, clothes for cold and warm temperatures, extension cords, garbage can, athletic wear, decorations, laundry detergent (HE), and anything else you would need to live away from home for 8 months.
As far as school supplies, bring a laptop for taking notes and doing assignments (minimum recommendations for laptop: Intel Core i5 processor or AMD equivalent, 8 GB Ram, SSD (Solid State Drive)), paper and pen/pencils, as well as binders to store handouts in. Basic School supplies can be purchased in the SBC office.

What will my address and phone number be while living on campus?

If you live in dorm, your mailing address will be:
50 PTH 12 N.
Steinbach, MB R5G 1T4.
Dorm phone numbers are:
  • 43 Campus Drive Upstairs (Men) 204 326-9110
  • 43 Campus Drive Downstairs (Men) 204 326-9156
  • 45 Campus Drive Upstairs (Men) 204 326-9151
  • 45 Campus Drive Downstairs (Men) 204 326 9109
  • 81 Campus Drive Upstairs (Multiplex) 204 326-9174
  • 81 Campus Drive Downstairs (Multiplex) 204 326-9172
  • 101 Campus Drive (Ladies) 204 326-9176
If you live in campus housing, you will have your own mailing address on Campus Drive, Steinbach, MB. You can set up your own phone line through MTS, or use a cell phone.


Can I take more than one minor?

You can take more than one minor but your program will take longer. A better option involves taking two focus areas. Focus areas are like trimmed down minors. Please ask the SBC Registrar for more information.

How much homework is there?

Depends on the person, but expect 2 hours of homework for every hour of class. Full time students can expect around 45-50 hours a week of class and homework.

What is Service Learning?

Service Learning was formerly called Field Education. It is a weekly (2 hours/week) community ministry, required of all students. You need two SL credits in your first year. Options include helping with youth groups, teaching S.S., Youth for Christ, visiting the elderly, etc. You will register for SL during the first week of classes. If you are already doing a ministry, talk to the Student Ministries Director to receive credit.

Online Program

Are there income tax benefits with taking SBC online courses?

All online courses will qualify for a Canadian T2202 form which will be mailed to the address you provide on your registration.

Are these courses transferable to other colleges and universities?

YES! We are accredited through Association for Biblical Higher Education which means that our courses are transferable to most Christian Colleges and Universities in Canada. This includes online courses.
A growing number of courses are transferable to universities as well, especially Canadian Mennonite University and University of Manitoba. Contact us if you are interested in more details. Typically Arts & Sciences courses as well as some Bible courses have good transfer success.
An SBC BA degree is recognized for seminary entrance requirement.

Can I also take courses on campus?

Yes. The class schedule lists the current courses we are offering on campus. You can register for a course by filling out the Occasional Student Registration Form. Contact SBC if you are interested in hearing more about our on campus courses.

Can I get a student loan for SBC Online?

Yes! SBC Online programs are eligible for Manitoba/Canada Student Loans.

Can I graduate taking online courses?

You can graduate with a Certificate of Ministry Studies, Associate of Arts degree, or Bachelor of Arts degree. You may also take online courses towards up to half of any one of SBC’s other programs. If you have received credit for courses at other post-secondary institutions, contact SBC to find out how transferring courses may fit your schedule.

Can I take courses whenever I want?

Online courses begin in September, January or May. Check out the online course schedule to see which courses are coming up. If you need a course that is not scheduled, fill out an online course request form and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Do I need high speed internet to take online courses?

To maximize the value of online courses, students should have access to a high-speed internet connection. Check out the SBC Atheneo Online learning system entering username and password as steinbach_student for both to see if your connection works.

Do I need prior educations to take online courses?

The only requirement is that you have your grade 12 diploma or equivalent. No post-secondary education is required before you begin.
Certain upper level courses have prerequisites. In order to register for these courses, you must have completed the prerequisites. Take note of those on the course’s information page.

How do I get my transcripts after my courses are complete?

To request official transcripts, refer to the Transcript Request page. You will always be able to access your unofficial transcripts through Populi, SBC’s Student Information System. When you register for your course, you will receive access to Populi as well as to Atheneo, your course delivery system. If you do not have access to Populi, contact us.

How do I register for courses?

Refer to the Online Learning Registration page for details on how to register.

I am living outside of North America. Are there any special instructions I need to know about?

Yes. For students living outside of North America, you may need extra time to order textbooks. While some course texts are electronic, not all texts are available in this format.

What are the admissions requirements for SBC online?

SBC’s mission is to empower servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the Church, and engage the world. Applicants for admission to SBC should be professing Christians, willing to grow in discipleship in line with SBC’s mission. Their character and conduct must be compatible with the standards of the college. Applicants must have a Manitoba senior high school certificate, or equivalent. A limited number of mature students who have not completed high school may be accepted. Check out Admissions Standards for full details.

What course should I take first?

If you plan to graduate with a Certificate (or just want to start with some basic Bible education), a great place to start is with one of: Intro to Old Testament, Intro to New Testament, or Biblical Interpretation.

What courses are available online?

Our Online Courses table displays all the courses we currently offer online.

What does it cost?

Cost is equal to the current tuition at SBC. Current prices are available on the finance page. An online administration and/or materials fee may apply to individual courses. Contact the Registration Office for a list of current courses with these additional fees.

What's the difference between application and registration?

Students apply to attend SBC. Students register to take individual courses. In most situations, online students will register for courses. However, if you want to work towards a certificate or degree, or you are at the point where you have taken 16 credits at SBC, application would be necessary.

What is the workload like?

Expect approximately 90 hours of work per course (6-7 hours/week in a semester long course).
Textbook based learning with question/answer and some discussion with professor and fellow students.

Where do I get textbooks?

Check with relatives/friends who have recently attended SBC, check your local MCC/used bookstore or order through online bookstores such as Amazon. See the online book list to find out which textbooks you need.

Will classes always run?

We will make every effort possible to serve all students. However, if withdrawals cause the enrollment to fall below acceptable levels, the class may be cancelled no later than 5:00 pm Central Time on the class start date. If this occurs, students will be notified and arrangements will be made to reschedule any student for a future offering period.

What is the benefit of a Learning Coach?

All new online students are paired with an online learning coach. Online learning coaches help students adjust and succeed as they take courses. They are easy to connect with and willing to answer the questions that come up as you figure out online education. Some practical areas where they can help you include answering questions as you start a new course, coaching you as you write papers in the proper format, learn to navigate Populi (SBC’s learner management program), and then guide you as you select courses. When you feel stuck or confused, or just need some encouragement – Learning Coaches are there to help!