
Scholarships are awarded to reward academic excellence and to assist students involved in leadership and ministry.

Students must be enrolled in full-time studies to be eligible.

Academic Entrance Scholarship

Academic Entrance Scholarships (AES) are awarded to incoming students based on High School grades.

How is your GPA calculated?
Your AES amount is based on your high school academic achievements. Your high school average will be calculated on the basis of your top five approved Grade 12 courses. At least three of the five must be academic courses, one of which must be an English course. (Pass/fail courses do not qualify, ie. Physical Education.)

If you have not completed grade 12, your AES will be calculated based on your grade 11 grades. If your grade 12 grades are higher than your grade 11 grades, your AES will be adjusted upwards. Your AES will not be adjusted downwards if your grade 12 grades are lower.

Am I Eligible?
You are eligible to receive an AES if:

  • You are entering your first year at Steinbach Bible College;
  • You are not transferring in more than 18 credit hours from another higher education institution;
  • You have graduated with a High School diploma (or equivalent, ie. GED)  within the past five years, from a public or independent incorporated school;
  • You have at least three academic courses in grade 12 with one being academic English;

Recipients must maintain full-time student status (12 or more credit hours of SBC courses per semester).
Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) in their first semester to be eligible to receive AES funding in their second semester of studies.
Disbursement of Funds
Funds will be split equally between semesters of full-time study in your first year of studies
Application Process
  • Submit your Steinbach Bible College student application by July 1 (fall semester) and December 1 (winter semester).
  • No scholarship application is necessary to receive this AES funding.
  • In August after we have received your High School transcript, we will send you a finalized amount of the AES you will be receiving.
  • Pursuit students (4-months) are not eligible for AES funding.
  • Pursuit XL Certificate students (8 months) do still qualify for AES funding for the second semester at 1/2 the amount.
  • Terms and conditions of the AES program are subject to change.

Special Thanks to...

Partial funding of the AES is courtesy of the Manitoba Government.

scholarships canada

Set up a profile with Scholarships Canada with your education details and interests. You will be matched to scholarships based on your profile. You can manage the scholarships you will apply to – don’t forget to sign up for deadline alerts!

ben d. reimer scholarship

The Ben D. Reimer Scholarship awards 50% of their tuition to a third-year full-time student headed into fulltime ministry after graduation. The recipient will be selected based on faculty recommendation. 

harvey plett scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to a 3rd year student with an acceptable academic record who is planning to enter full-time ministry with a church or mission agency.

Manitoba Beef Producers Scholarship 

Manitoba Beef Producers is pleased to make available six $1,000 scholarships annually for MBP members or their children attending a university, college, other post-secondary institution or pursuing trades training. Preference will be given to those students pursuing a field of study related to agriculture or to those acquiring a skilled trade or pursuing a career that would be beneficial to the rural economy. Visit for more information and to apply.

MDS Service Scholarship 

Up to 8 scholarships will be awarded to returning students attending Canadian Mennonite University (CMU), Columbia Bible College (CBC), or Steinbach Bible College (SBC). The scholarship includes four  
3-credit hour courses (tuition only, no extra fees) to students who complete a minimum of 4 weeks of service with MDS and submit a 500-word reflection on their time serving with MDS. 
Student application forms are due by January 31st.

MCC Manitoba Scholarship Fund

MCC Manitoba wants to support students who care about relief, development and peace. Visit: for more information and toapply.

focus area scholarship

SBC Focus Area Scholarships worth $1,000 each are presented to 8 students returning for
full-time studies, demonstrating academic achievement in their focus area, quality Christian character and successful student ministry.

Recipients are nominated by faculty and approved by the SBC Financial Aid Team. Funds will be split equally between semesters in the student’s next year of study.
The returning student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to be eligible for this scholarship. If the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 in the first semester, the scholarship is forfeited for the second semester.

Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship

The Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship is a $3,000 ($500/semester) scholarship available to students transferring from Steinreich Bibelschule (SBS) who demonstrate academic achievement, ministry leadership and plans for future ministry.

Am I Eligible?
Recipients must be transferring from SBS to Steinbach Bible College (SBC). Normally this would be a SBS grad transferring in one year from SBS and entering SBC’s second-year of a three or four year degree.

Recipients must be registered at SBC for 12 or more credit hours of courses per semester to receive the scholarship.

Disbursement of Funds
The Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship will be awarded in equal instalments each semester of full-time study ($500/semester). This works out to $1,000 per year of study at SBC.

Example: a student in a 3 year BA would receive $2,000 ($500/semester).

Disbursement of funds will take place within 4 weeks after each semester start date. A reduction of credit hours (less than 12 cr.) within the semester in which the scholarship was received, will result in forfeit of the scholarship amount for the respective semester.

Award Deferral
Students may defer an awarded Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship for one calendar year (i.e. student applies to SBC, is accepted, is awarded a Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship, but chooses to defer starting school until a later semester).
Students receiving this scholarship are not eligible for the Academic Entrance Scholarship.

Terms and conditions of the Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship award program are subject to change.

Please note, all fees and financial aid are subject to change