About US

Our Mission

SBC is an evangelical Anabaptist college empowering servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the church, and engage the world.

We accomplish this mission through:

  • Biblical education that is practical, analytical, relational, and creative.
  • Intensive faith and life formation within a discipleship community.
  • Developing and discerning ministry skills with a missional focus.
  • Relevant biblical and ministry training for congregations.
  • Strategic partnerships in education and church ministry.


Multicultural graduates serving in meaningful vocations and making followers of Jesus.

Core Values and Educational Philosophy

The Core Values of SBC have driven the ministry of the college since its beginning in 1936. These values continue as the basis of the learning process in all the educational programs of the school.
The Bible is the foundation for learning
Since the Bible is the final authority for faith and life, the truth as revealed in the Scriptures is the basis for learning. The New Testament’s affirmation that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” indicates the value of the Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16).

The Bible and its teaching is the beginning of the educational process. Whether the learning situation is one of direct Bible study, ministry development or general arts courses, biblical teaching is integrated into the material to develop a worldview consistent with God’s revelation in His Word.

This rooting of the educational process in the Bible will provide the student with a foundation for life. Whatever life direction the student might take, that direction will be guided by this foundation. 
Discipleship is the process for learning
The instruction Jesus gave as He was leaving His disciples at the end of His earthly ministry was that they “were to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded…” (Matt. 28:19). This model for teaching places the responsibility on the teacher to be an example and requires the learner to then follow that model.

In this educational model, the instructors become facilitators, guiding the student in the learning of faith and conduct. Discipleship also requires individual interaction between the teacher and student that will develop accountability for effective evaluation of the learning.

Having experienced a discipleship model, the student will be equipped to enter other life situations as a discipler. The student will continue to learn from mentors, and will take opportunities to mentor others.
Community is the context of learning
Jesus established the church as the new community of the people of God. He then commissioned this new community to be His “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). These two concepts emphasize the importance of the believer’s relationships to the church and to the world community.

The learning process at SBC is designed to foster interaction among students, and between students and faculty. This development of character and knowledge in the Christian educational community prepares students for their participation in the immediate and larger world community.

Through participation in the community the student will realize that the individual will always live in community and will continue learning from the community whether from the church or society in general. Learning involves both a receiving from and giving to community. Having learned the importance of relationships in this community, the student will continue that throughout life. Service in the community will be in providing servant leadership to the community but also in following other leaders. 
Mission is the purpose of learning
Jesus said to His disciples that He came “not to be served but to serve” (Matt. 20:28). Learning is not simply for personal enrichment but for the purpose of serving others. Jesus’ teaching on being a servant must be the motivation for learning.

At SBC, learning is not limited to the classroom and library. Learning happens off campus through service learning assignments that relate to a student’s major course of studies. All students are required to participate in Mission Xposure, our annual cross-cultural excursions. The academic and the practical aspects of education are very consciously integrated to provide a variety of learning situations.

These experiences in mission will enable students to reach out in service to others, meeting their spiritual, social and physical needs. Students will witness the needs and opportunities both at home and internationally, and will spend their lives in active service for God and humanity. 


“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

SBC had its beginning as a Bible School when three teachers and 13 students of the Mennonite Brethren and Evangelical Mennonite Brethren churches met for classes from November 16, 1931 to February 21, 1932 in the Steinbach Mennonite Brethren Church. Classes were discontinued after that year, but resumed in November 1936, with the first class graduating in 1939.

Since its inception Steinbach Bible College has been committed to training men and women to serve God in the Church. SBC now has over 1500 graduates serving God and churches in Manitoba, Canada and internationally. The college now has an enrollment of approximately 110 students each year.

Statement of Faith

SBC’s statement of faith provides a summary of biblical doctrine which is consonant with evangelical Christianity, while expressing a commitment to the historic Anabaptist interpretation of the faith.

SBC's Affiliations

SBC is incorporated under the laws of the Province of Manitoba as a non-profit educational institution authorized to provide post-secondary education.

The authorization to offer academic degrees has been granted to SBC by its constituent conferences and churches as indicated by the constitution, affirmed by the Department of Education and accepted by ABHE. SBC is governed by the church groups who appoint representatives to the Board of the College:

SBC is a member of…

The Association for Biblical Higher Education ABHE is the accrediting body for Steinbach Bible College
Mail: 5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 130 Orlando, FL 32822
Webpage: www.ABHE.org
Email: info@abhe.org
Phone: 407-207-0808 Fax: 407.207.0840 

SBC Board

The Steinbach Bible College Board is the body responsible for the vision, strategic planning, operations and policies for the College. Each Board shall be responsible for:

  • Establishing policies that govern the operation of SBC. 
  • Establishing the parameters for policies or affiliations 
  • Developing and overseeing programs and curricula.
  • Approve the budget for the operation SBC.
  • Appointing a nominating committee for all Board appointments/elections.
  • Raising funds for the operation of SBC. This may include capital funds for program related to furnishings and equipment.
  • Formulating strategic plans including its capital development needs.

Board Members

Bruce Penner – Chair
Michael Zwaagstra – Vice-Chair
Arlin Scharfenberg –  Secretary
Elvira Wallmann – Treasurer
Abe Bergen
Darrell Kehler
Galen Peters
Lyn Dyck
Paul Reimer
Russ Neufeld
Walter Fast