Expedition now


Grade 9-12 and Youth Leaders

Coming 10.22.2022

Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young people stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;  they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint

Isaiah 40:28-31
Urgency, Action, and Adventure; Youth everywhere are invited to Steinbach Bible College as a team to embark on an expedition like never before. Challenges, obstacles and ordeals will stand in your way. Some of them you will overcome, some you will try and fail.
Does your team have what it takes to participate? Do you have the fortitude to win? This one-day event is like nothing you have ever done before! 
Expedition Now – October 22, 2022.
Youth Groups will be able to register as teams of 4-5 people (1 Adult leader and 3-4 Youth). This event is for Grades 9-12.
***More Information Coming soon with promo video other promotional resources for you.


9:30 am – Registration @ SBC
10 am – Rally Session – Worship, Main Speaker (TBD)
11 am – Expedition Orientation
11:30 am – Accepting the Challenge – Small Group Strategy Time
12-1 – Feeding Frenzy – AKA Lunch (included in Registration)
1-1:15 – Travel from SBC to Mennonite Heritage Village (teams responsible for their own travel)
1:15 pm – Fire Starting – Gathering around the Starting Spot
1:20 pm – Challenge Time – Obstacles, Ordeals and Challenges begin
4:30 pm – Challenge Time ends – Youth Group time
4:30 pm – Youth Group Time
5-6 pm – Supper Time (included in Registration)
6 pm – Travel to Evening Venue  (teams responsible for their own travel)
6:30 pm – Victory Celebration, Challenge Awards, Main Session
8:30 pm – Concert with Bold as Lions and Scribe Music
*Venue yet to be finalized
**Subject to change 

Will you succeed? Will you survive?

Survival Pack

By Registering as a team:

Each Team will get

  • Crazy Leaders Hat for your distinguished leader.
  • Team Passport for Challenge stamps including instruction, map and link to the event APP.
  • Youth Leader entry into our Youth Leader Prize pack.

Each Team Member will get

  • Access to the event app for real-time notifications and surprise timed challenges.
  • Lunch & Supper & Water (Snacks will be available for purchase).
  • Team Shirt (specific shirt color selections will be provided).

Registration forms coming soon

Registration Opens August 15, 2022, and closes September 30, 2022
$80/Youth – Regular Price Registration – After September 15th, 2022
$70/Youth – Early Bird Registration – Before September 15th, 2022
$50/Youth Leader – Registration Cost


Some will be easy, some will be challenging and some will be near impossible.
Some will be mentally challenging, some will be physically demanding and some will be co-operatively straining. 
3 Hours to overcome the most challenges and collect the most points and stamps!
Check back here as challenges are added.
*note most camps are very busy over the summer. Their Challenge may only be defined after the camp season but you know it will be good.

Youth Ministries
or other Ministries

If you are a Camp, a Youth related ministry or a ministry who wants to connect with youth we have a proposal for you. Get exposure to hundreds of youth, participate with them in activities, engage in a way that no symposium has ever done.
  • Prepare one EPIC Challenge, Obstacle, Ordeal or Test.
  • Each Challenge can be Physically, Mentally, or Co-operatively challenging and will be submitted for screening to SBC.
  • Bring your banners to set up at your challenge.
  • Bring merch that you want to give out.
  • Remember each team will be between 4-5 people. They score points as a team for completion. The points can be based on their score, points can also be given out for attempts. 
  • Some challenges will be easy…some may be near impossible.
  • You supply the supplies for your challenge.
  • You get to interact with youth (attendees) and young adults (college and team leaders) all afternoon.
  • You will be given a youth group to gather with when they do their debrief to learn more about what they like/need. (Beats standing in a hallway hoping for a young person to come your way and talk, trust us (SBC) we know).
  • You get 2 free registrations, including supper (Lunch is occurring off site so you can head out to a restaurant after your challenge is set up). Additional registrations for your team will be at a discounted rate. 
  • You are invited to the evening session & concert where your banners can be set up.

If this interested you at all please email Peter to chat about how we can partner together using the button below. Or if you would like to become a financial partner we would love to chat with you too!

Want to tour our campus wherever your are? Now you can with our 360 degree virtual tour!