Populi is Steinbach Bible College’s student information system. Current student can access courses, marks, financial information, textbook orders and more through the Populi website.
The SBC Library Website contains the Steinbach Bible College Library Catalogue. Students and other patrons may use this database to search for the books and periodicals in the SBC Library.
EBSCO databases gives SBC students access to roughly 6,000 e-books in all fields of religion.

Microsoft Office for Students
As a student at SBC you are given a free license to use the latest subscription of Microsoft Office 365 for the duration of your studies. After you are registered as an SBC student, you may subscribe to your free copy of Microsoft Office 365. For more instructions please log into Populi, visit the SBC101 course and find the Lesson on installing your free copy of Microsoft Office.
Also as a student you will receive 1TB of storage space on Microsoft’s OneDrive service.

Remote Research Library for Students
While studying at SBC, each student is given access to a digital Remote Research Library, available 24-7, by Logos Bible Software.
This Remote Research Library (RRL) subscription is valued at over $25,000 per student, enhancing your studies and giving you access to a premier theological library that you can access anytime.
This digital library includes over 2,700 scholarly theological resources for your research.
As an SBC student with this RRL subscription, you will also have access to seminary-level Mobile Ed classes from renowned teachers and scholars. https://www.logos.com/mobile-ed/courses.
This Remote Research Library (RRL) subscription is valued at over $25,000 per student, enhancing your studies and giving you access to a premier theological library that you can access anytime.
This digital library includes over 2,700 scholarly theological resources for your research.
As an SBC student with this RRL subscription, you will also have access to seminary-level Mobile Ed classes from renowned teachers and scholars. https://www.logos.com/mobile-ed/courses.
Looking for ways to serve and use your education? Paid and volunteer positions abound! Explore summer, short-term and long-term ministry opportunities.
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If you are enjoying your experience at SBC, invite a friend to join you at SBC next year!
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