Community Guidelines

Community Covenant

We believe that a Christian community requires a commitment to personal spiritual growth in grace.
The core of the Christian community is God at work in the hearts of its members. Our foundation is God and His redeeming work in our broken lives. Although God is the Initiator and the One who draws us to Himself, we acknowledge the need to respond to His call in a continued pursuance of Him. We are committed to seeking a deeper relationship with God through regular times alone with Him, spending time in His Word, and meeting with other believers. We are committed to living a lifestyle of worship in all that we do, whether in sports or music, in dorm or in class, in chapel or at a social gathering, at work or at play. 
We believe that a Christian community requires a commitment to personal integrity.
We commit to a lifestyle of positive choices that influence eternity and bring God glory. We choose to use godly discernment in our entertainment choices, such as in the movies we watch, the video games we play, the Internet sites we access, and the music we listen to. We choose to exemplify positive studying and sleeping habits. We choose to treat others and ourselves with dignity by dressing modestly and appropriately. We commit ourselves to the task of building godly life-giving relationships that regard each individual as an image bearer of God. We especially choose to regard all relationships with highest respect. In so doing, we will guard others and ourselves from sexual temptation, and refrain from sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman. 
We believe that a Christian community requires respect & consideration of others within the community.
Living and studying together in a tight community gives us the opportunity to live out Christ-like servanthood, where we learn to place the needs and considerations of others before ourselves. We will not knowingly bring fellow students into circumstances that will encourage them to violate their consciences or live a lifestyle of negative choices. We acknowledge the need to respect the privacy and property of others, especially in the dorm setting. We will avoid gossip, crude talk, or jokes that will tear others down, but instead will choose to use words that will encourage and bring life. 
We believe that a Christian community requires a commitment to its members.
As students of SBC, we are members of this community. We choose to be true brothers and sisters in the Lord to each other and to those with whom we rub shoulders daily. We choose to be representations of Christ to each other and we will hold each other accountable in both word and deed. We will lovingly confront those who are falling into sin, and encourage those who seem defeated. As much as we are able, we will participate in community events and use our gifts to bless and edify the student body. We also commit to an attitude of godly respect for the faculty and staff at SBC and will abide by the directives and policies of the school, as set out in this handbook. 
We believe that a Christian community should represent Christ to the larger community.
We acknowledge, by choosing to be a part of this community, we are representatives of Christ to each other and to the people around us. Whether at school, at home, at church, on deputation, or in the neighbourhood, the way we conduct ourselves impacts the way others view Christ. We choose to be positive representations of Christ and will avoid knowingly participating in anything that would hurt the mission of the local church or injure anyone’s faith. As members of Christ’s body, we will endeavour to obey Jesus’ command to love one another as He loved us. Therefore, we shall be known by all people as followers of Christ. 

Community & Residence Guidelines 

In a Christian College community there will be different opinions and sensitivities as to what is/is not appropriate. Students who have questions or concerns about the Community Covenant and/or The Code of Conduct are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss these with the Student Services Department.

Community Guidelines
  • Chapel is an opportunity to gather with the SBC community, to grow, learn, and worship together! All SBC students are expected to attend and participate in chapels, held Monday-Friday at 11:30am-12pm. Commuting students are expected to attend chapel on days they have classes.
  • All SBC students are required to attend either their home church or a local church in the area.
  • Building relationships with the wider student population is a priority for students entering their studies, therefore students are not to begin a dating relationship until after the first semester of their first year.
    Dating students are encouraged to be respectful to those around them. Public expressions of affection are only appropriate outside of the main school building.
    All SBC students are expected to observe purity and appropriate intimacy in all relationships, to reserve sexual expressions of intimacy for marriage, and within marriage to take every reasonable step to resolve conflict and avoid divorce.
    All SBC students are expected to voluntarily abstain from the use of all materials that are degrading, vulgar, dehumanizing, hateful or gratuitously violent, which includes but is not limited to pornography.
  • All students are expected to abstain from the use or possession of illegal drugs, and misuse or abuse of substances including prescribed drugs.
  • Out of respect for the community of SBC, all students will refrain from tobacco, marijuana*, vaping, and gambling during their time at SBC.
* Please see the Dean of Student Services for our policy regarding prescription marijuana.
  • SBC strongly encourages abstinence from alcohol. Students will refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages while participating in SBC events or community. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus.
  • In light of our commitment to the safety of our students no weapons are to be brought on campus at any time.
  • Students are expected to wear appropriate and modest casual dress to class and in the school building. In keeping with the college being an institute of higher education, we ask that hats not be worn during chapel. Shoes or sandals must be worn in the administration building at all times.

Residence Guidelines
Full-time, first-year single students under the age of 21 not planning to live at home need to apply to the Student Services Department for approval to live out of residence.

Quiet Time
The on campus quiet time is 11 pm. This includes activity both in and around the residences, so that students in the residences and others living on campus can have sufficient rest. 
Men's/Ladies Dorms
Unless special permission is given by the Residence Director, under no circumstance are ladies to enter the men’s dorm nor are men to enter the ladies’ dorm. Curfew
The curfew in the residences from Sunday to Thursday is 12am.
Care Groups
Care groups are vital to dorm life and attendance is mandatory.
Dorm Meetings
Dorm meetings will be called throughout the school year a minimum of twice a semester. All dorm students are required to attend. If students are unable to attend, they must let the Residence Director know in advance.
Honor one another
To honor ourselves and each other, activities of a sexual nature involving inappropriate touching, gestures, or nudity are strictly prohibited in the residences.
Musical Instruments
Instruments must not be played in a way that disturbs others. All musical instruments, except acoustic guitars, must be cleared by the Residence Director.
Overnight Guests
Students wanting to have an overnight guest must let a CGL know and sign in their guest on the overnight guest form in the residence. Guests must abide by the policies of the residence and should not interfere with students’ studies. The limit for an overnight guest is three successive nights.
Tenancy Agreement & Residence Policies
All residents are required to live under the guidelines of the tenancy agreement & residence policies. Failure to respect the room and building will result in a reduced return of damage deposit.