ALUMNI Resources

Transcript Request

A transcript is a comprehensive record of a student’s academic performance as recorded at Steinbach Bible College, including courses transferred, grades and honours received and degrees conferred.
Transcripts may be needed to study at another institution, for employment purposes or for a variety of other reasons. Official transcripts bear an authorized signature and the seal of Steinbach Bible College. Transcripts are normally mailed directly to the institution, employee, or organization unless otherwise requested.
Students may request a transcript by completing the following form. The form is available online (link below).

Transcripts are $10 each. Transcript requests will not be processed until transcript fees have been paid and the student’s SBC account is found to be in good standing. Please allow 2-5 days for processing.

In Touch Newsletter

Stay connected with what’s current at Steinbach Bible College with our bi-annual In Touch publication. Take an in-depth look at the events and people that make up SBC. Read where God has led alumni throughout the years, hear students recount their experiences on Mission Xposure, see how our dedicated donors are making an impact, meet current students, and much more! If you are interested in being a part of our email or mailing list, please contact us at
Read the latest issue of In Touch now.

Update Your Information & Stay Connected

Have you moved or has any of your contact information changed? Let us know your current information so we can keep our records up to date. Send us an email with your current information.

We’d also love to hear from you and where life has taken you, and so do your fellow alumni. Submit an update to us telling us where you’ve been serving, if you’ve gotten married, had a baby, landed a new job – whatever! Keep in touch.

Be sure to follow us on our Social Media platforms as well to learn about upcoming events and see what’s going on at SBC.

Re-apply to Complete Studies

Did you briefly study at SBC, but never completed a program? Consider re-applying to complete the remainder of your studies. SBC provides numerous flexible options for mature learners to achieve their academic goals.
Connect with our Registrar Department today to begin discussing your goals and options at
Complete this Re-Admission Form to continue.