Explore our block scheduling for courses offered daytime, evenings and weekends. Check out the Catalogue for further course/program details.

Single Course Registration

Sign up for individual courses for personal development. You can register for up to 16 credit hours before completing an application for admission.

  • Step 1: Complete the Occasional Student Registration Form. Registration will include personal information, course selection and payment.
  • Step 2: You will receive a confirmation email and will be contacted by the SBC Registration Office once the registration is processed.

For further information, contact SBC Admissions.

Weekend, Evening & Spring
Intensive Courses

These courses are designed to be accessible for adult learners who are working in the marketplace or are in full-time ministry and would like to continue their education and sharpen their skills.

See our Events Calendar for intensive offerings for the upcoming semesters.

Semester Block

At SBC we offer courses in a block-schedule system. This allows students more flexibility in coordinating their studies with work schedules.

  • Courses are taken over fifteen weeks, one day per week in a three-hour block.
  • Full-time students have classes in five blocks per week, while part-time students come only once a week for each course they take.