Bursaries assist students with financial need.
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Designated funding and bursaries from SBC Endowment Funds will be awarded to full time students with demonstrated financial need. These awards are funded through the generous donations of many individuals, corporations and organizations.
You are eligible to receive an Entrance Bursary or Returning Student Bursary if:
*See specific bursary additional eligibility requirements.
- You are a First Time or Returning student at Steinbach Bible College;
- You are not transferring in 18 or more credit hours from another higher education institution;
- You maintain full-time student status (12 or more credit hours of SBC courses in each semester).
*See specific bursary additional eligibility requirements.
Entrance Bursary
Entrance Bursaries (EB) are awarded to incoming full-time SBC students who demonstrate financial need.
If you are a new student, this bursary is for you! We have simplified the process for first year students so you just have a single application to fill out for all your Financial Aid funding.
Deadlines: July 1 (fall semester) and December 1 (winter semester).
Application Process:
In August (or December), after we have received all your documentation, we will send you a finalized amount of EB you will be receiving.
If you are a new student, this bursary is for you! We have simplified the process for first year students so you just have a single application to fill out for all your Financial Aid funding.
Deadlines: July 1 (fall semester) and December 1 (winter semester).
Application Process:
- Submit your SBC student application and the Entrance Bursary Application by July 1.
- Apply for Provincial/Canada Student Aid* and send us a screenshot of the result by August 1.
The results of your Student Aid application are used to help determine your financial need.- *Students in the 4 month Pursuit program are eligible for the EB but are not eligible for government aid. Pursuit students do not need to submit their Student Aid results to be eligible for the EB.
- Pursuit XL students in the full year program qualify for both and would need to submit the Student Loan Notice of Assessment.
- *Government Student Aid includes grants, bursaries and loans. (Grants are free money)
In August (or December), after we have received all your documentation, we will send you a finalized amount of EB you will be receiving.
Returning Student Bursary
Returning Student Bursaries (RSB) are awarded to returning SBC students who demonstrate financial need.
Application Process
*Government Student Aid includes grants, bursaries and loans.
In August, after we have received all your documentation, we will send you a finalized amount of RSB you will be receiving.
The Summer Ministry Bursary (SMB) is included in the RSB application form.
Application Process
- Submit your Returning Student Bursary Application by July 1.
- Apply for Provincial/Canada Student Aid* and send us a screenshot of the result by August 1. The results of your Student Aid application are used to help determine your financial need.
*Government Student Aid includes grants, bursaries and loans.
In August, after we have received all your documentation, we will send you a finalized amount of RSB you will be receiving.
The Summer Ministry Bursary (SMB) is included in the RSB application form.
Summer Ministry Bursary
This bursary awards up to $165/week to returning students for 2-17 weeks of full-time ministry.
SBC encourages the applicant to reach out to the ministry agency and the student’s home church to match this award.
Returning students must apply for the SMB as part of their Returning Student Bursary Application by July 1, with funding awarded based on each student’s financial need and the total available funding to the SMB.
SBC encourages the applicant to reach out to the ministry agency and the student’s home church to match this award.
Returning students must apply for the SMB as part of their Returning Student Bursary Application by July 1, with funding awarded based on each student’s financial need and the total available funding to the SMB.
- Bursary Offer
- SBC offers summer ministry bursaries for the following academic year for returning students.
- Returning students receive up to $165 per week of full-time ministry.
- The amount awarded will be determined based on each student’s financial need and the total available funding to the SMB.
- SBC will credit the student’s account with equal amounts in September and January of the academic year immediately following the summer of ministry.
- Student Requirements
- The student must work in the ministry a minimum of 40 hours per week for the specified number of weeks. Bursaries are given for a minimum of 2 weeks full-time to a maximum of 17 weeks of full-time ministry.
- The student must be accepted and plan to attend full-time studies taking a minimum of 24 credits per year at SBC. Students may receive the bursary while gaining Service Learning, Practicum or Internship credits.
- Disbursement of Funds
- The bursary will be applied to the student’s account, split evenly between semesters of study.
- Limitations
- Students may still be eligible for the bursary while receiving a ministry salary.
- Students dropping to part-time status (less than 24 credit hours in a year) will forfeit the bursary.
- Students leaving the college by the second semester will forfeit the bursary payment for that semester.
- Students may not be eligible for the bursary if they begin classes in the second semester of the academic year.
- The returning student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to apply for this bursary. If the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 in the first semester, the bursary is forfeited for the second semester.

Endowed & Funded Bursaries
Endowed Bursaries are awarded as part of the Entrance Bursary and Returning Student Bursary financial aid packages. No additional applications are needed to be considered for these bursaries.
Betty Reimer Leadership Training Bursary
Awarded to returning students studying for missions or the pastorate with significant financial needs and who demonstrate leadership and positive scholastic achievement.
John P. & Katherine Enns Bursary
The John P. & Katherine Enns Bursary Fund pays $1,000 annually: $500 each to one male and one female student entering their third year. Bursaries will be awarded to full time students with demonstrated financial need. Funds will be split equally between semesters in the student’s third year of study.
Jacob T. & Margaret Loewen Family Bursary
The Jacob T. & Margaret Loewen Family Bursary is open to all students preparing for careers in evangelism and service. Preference will be given to international students from developing countries. Bursaries will be awarded to full time students with demonstrated financial need. Funds will be applied to the student account immediately upon receiving the bursary.
SBC Memorial Bursary
The SBC Memorial Bursary is open to all students demonstrating financial need, with special consideration given to students from constituent churches. Bursaries will be awarded to full time students with demonstrated financial need. Funds will be applied to the student account immediately upon receiving the bursary.
The Gordon & Nettie Dueck Biblical Studies Bursary for International Students
Gordon & Nettie Dueck have established this bursary to be awarded to an international student from a developing country studying full-time at SBC. Funds will be applied to the student account immediately upon receiving the bursary.
Gordon and Nettie have adventurous spirits as they have travelled many countries and met many young adults during these travels. They have also been active associates with International Student Ministry Canada in the area of Friendship Partner Coordinators, hosting students from around the world, over 12 countries. Since God has blessed their life through these opportunities of service also financially, they want to bless international students studying at SBC in Biblical Studies with this bursary.
Gordon and Nettie have adventurous spirits as they have travelled many countries and met many young adults during these travels. They have also been active associates with International Student Ministry Canada in the area of Friendship Partner Coordinators, hosting students from around the world, over 12 countries. Since God has blessed their life through these opportunities of service also financially, they want to bless international students studying at SBC in Biblical Studies with this bursary.
Martens Returning Student Bursary
The Martens Returning Student Bursary pays $1,000 to a full-time returning student with demonstrated financial need. Funds will be split equally between semesters in the student’s 3rd year of study.
The returning student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher to be eligible for this bursary. If the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.75, the bursary is forfeited for the following semester.
The returning student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher to be eligible for this bursary. If the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.75, the bursary is forfeited for the following semester.
VIDIR/SBC Ministry Bursary
VIDIR Solutions Inc. have established a bursary at Steinbach Bible College for 3rd year students at SBC.
The Dueck Family are alumni of SBC and have a strong affection for the mission of the college. They also have a passion for the local church and want to see students return to their churches and become servant leaders within the church.
Their desire is to provide students entering into their 3rd year, with a bursary to help them continue their studies. This bursary will be awarded to an undergraduate student in full time studies at SBC. The recipient will have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and demonstrate financial need. The student must also demonstrate ministry potential. The recipients will be recommended by the SBC faculty and approved by the SBC Awards Committee.
The amount of the bursary will be awarded to 2 students, each in the amount of $2,500/year.
The Dueck Family are alumni of SBC and have a strong affection for the mission of the college. They also have a passion for the local church and want to see students return to their churches and become servant leaders within the church.
Their desire is to provide students entering into their 3rd year, with a bursary to help them continue their studies. This bursary will be awarded to an undergraduate student in full time studies at SBC. The recipient will have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and demonstrate financial need. The student must also demonstrate ministry potential. The recipients will be recommended by the SBC faculty and approved by the SBC Awards Committee.
The amount of the bursary will be awarded to 2 students, each in the amount of $2,500/year.
Indigenous Bursary
The Indigenous Bursary (IB) is to equip and empower Indigenous students with financial support who may not otherwise attend by providing a bursary up to 50% of tuition costs.
Am I Eligible?
You may be eligible if:
- Indigenous
- Minimum or no band funding
- Minimum of 6 credit hours (note a minimum of 12 credit hours is still needed for other SBC bursaries)
- You are Canadian.
Application Process
- Submit your SBC Student Application by July 1 (fall semester) and December 1 (winter semester).
- Submit your SBC Bursary Application by July 1 (fall semester) and December 1 (winter semester).
- Submit to SBC a letter of funding from your Band or Community of the amount they have awarded, even if $0. If no letter can be attained, please contact Financial Aid for guidance.
- Submit a Letter of Recommendation from a Community or Ministry leader.
Disbursement of Funds
Funds will be applied to the semester of study.
Students receiving the IB may be eligible for other scholarships if their criterion are met.
Terms and conditions of the IB award program are subject to change.
Special Thanks to the donors who have made this bursary possible!
Students receiving the IB may be eligible for other scholarships if their criterion are met.
Terms and conditions of the IB award program are subject to change.
Special Thanks to the donors who have made this bursary possible!
Additional Indigenous Bursaries
Indspire – Building Brighter Futures program
Indspire’s Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries and Scholarships (BBF) program opens doors through education.
Since 1996, Indspire has provided over $217 million in financial support through more than 66,000 bursaries, scholarships and awards to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students. For a complete listing of Building Brighter Futures supports, please visit indspirefunding.ca.
Since 1996, Indspire has provided over $217 million in financial support through more than 66,000 bursaries, scholarships and awards to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students. For a complete listing of Building Brighter Futures supports, please visit indspirefunding.ca.
Indigenous Education Awards – Business Council of Manitoba
The Business Council of Manitoba is dedicated to actively participating in reconciliation through education and employment opportunities, addressing TRC Call to Action 92. ii. The Indigenous Education Awards (IEA) offers financial assistance to Indigenous students attending post-secondary education in Manitoba, providing a $3000 annual award to help alleviate financial barriers during the academic year.
RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth
Are you an Indigenous youth in Canada looking to pursue post-secondary education? The RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth could help you achieve your post-secondary goals.
Deadline: February 5
Luis Reil Bursary & Other Metis Bursaries
The Louis Riel Institute administers a number of bursaries and awards on behalf of the MMF. Working with post-secondary institutions, partners, and stakeholders, the Louis Riel Institute works to ensure Red River Métis students are informed and have ease of access to apply to these funds.
The bursaries and awards offered through the Louis Riel Institute are aimed toward Red River Métis students who can successfully prove Manitoba Métis Federation Citizenship, who are enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution in Manitoba, and who meet all qualifying factors of the funding.
The bursaries and awards offered through the Louis Riel Institute are aimed toward Red River Métis students who can successfully prove Manitoba Métis Federation Citizenship, who are enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution in Manitoba, and who meet all qualifying factors of the funding.
Canada Post Awards for Indigenous Students
Canada Post gives $2,000 grants to Indigenous Peoples who have renewed their educational learning.
Important deadlines:
Important deadlines:
- May 1st: Request for applications
- August 31st: Deadline for applications

For more information contact:

Am I Eligible?
You are increasingly eligible to receive the ISB if you are:
- A returning SBC student
- Recommended by your Home Church and pastor.
- A church leader or leader in training.
- From a developing country and intend to return to your country upon completion of your program.
- Have high grades from past studies.
- Are supported by a Canadian Sponsor Church (Optional).
Application Process
After successfully completing a year of SBC submit an SBC Student Bursary application. Include a Home church application as well. (To be filled out by a church leader)
Forms from the churches helps establish connection with the student and ensures the student will have the support needed to succeed in a college program.
- SBC Student Bursary Form
- ISB Home Church Application Form
- ISB Sponsor Church Application Form (Optional)
Forms from the churches helps establish connection with the student and ensures the student will have the support needed to succeed in a college program.
Annual Re-Application Required
SBC will assess need each year to cover a set amount of tuition for those who apply for the SBC Bursary Application by July 1 for the school year starting in September.
- Terms and conditions of the ISB program are subject to change.
- ISB students receiving 50% or more tuition funding may not receive any other scholarships or bursaries from SBC.
International Student Bursary
International Student Bursaries (ISB’s) are available to international students, with preference given to returning full-time international students with significant financial need from developing countries. The amount of the bursary given to selected applicants is dependent on country of origin, financial need, past academic history and mission fit with the college.
Am I Eligible?
You are increasingly eligible to receive the ISB if you are:
- A returning SBC student
- Recommended by your Home Church and pastor.
- A church leader or leader in training.
- From a developing country and intend to return to your country upon completion of your program.
- Have high grades from past studies.
- Are supported by a Canadian Sponsor Church (Optional).
Application Process
After successfully completing a year of SBC submit an SBC Student Bursary application. Include a Home church application as well. (To be filled out by a church leader)
Forms from the churches helps establish connection with the student and ensures the student will have the support needed to succeed in a college program.
- SBC Student Bursary Form
- ISB Home Church Application Form
- ISB Sponsor Church Application Form (Optional)
Forms from the churches helps establish connection with the student and ensures the student will have the support needed to succeed in a college program.
Annual Re-Application Required
SBC will assess need each year to cover a set amount of tuition for those who apply for the SBC Bursary Application by July 1 for the school year starting in September.
- Terms and conditions of the ISB program are subject to change.
- ISB students receiving 50% or more tuition funding may not receive any other scholarships or bursaries from SBC.
ISB Purpose
The International Student Bursary at SBC is given to:
- Train international church leaders from developing countries for ministry in their culture of origin.
- Bring cultural diversity and global exposure to the SBC campus community.
- Connect SBC with emerging leaders from the international churches in developing countries.
Student Expectations
- Apply to SBC as a fully funded student for year one.
- Arrange and purchase travel to Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada.
- Apply for the ISB using SBC Bursary Application after successfully completing year 1, by July 1.
- While not a requirement, intention to return to one’s home country for ministry increases the “mission fit” of a student.
- Recipients must obtain the necessary study permit, insurance, and other travel arrangements necessary to attend SBC.
Home Church Expectations
- Apply to recommend the student for the ISB using the ISB Home Church Application Form.
- Commission the student for their ministry training at SBC.
- Provide ongoing emotional, prayer and financial support as needed.
- For students returning home after their studies, facilitate ministry opportunities upon the student’s completion of their training.
Canadian Sponsor Church Expectations (Optional)
- Apply to sponsor the ISB Student using ISB Sponsor Church Application Form.
- (Optional) Provide some funding for student room and board (rent and groceries for students not living in dorm).
- Provide emotional support and a home-away-from-college for holidays, long-weekends, break weeks etc….
Conference and Church Partnership Bursaries
EMC Financial Benefits
For those of you who are studying at Steinbach Bible College, our conference affiliated school, you are invited to apply for the SBC Student Assistance Program. To qualify for this bursary, you must be a member of an EMC church, and must be studying full-time at SBC, the equivalent of 12 credit hours per semester or more. As a student, you will be sent a reminder in your registration package of forms to apply for this bursary.
The Leadership Development Scholarship is available to assist EMC students who are serving or planning to serve in a church or mission-related vocation. It offers assistance towards theological training in a Christian post-secondary or graduate school.
The Leadership Development Scholarship is available to assist EMC students who are serving or planning to serve in a church or mission-related vocation. It offers assistance towards theological training in a Christian post-secondary or graduate school.
EMMC Financial Benefits
Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference students are invited to apply for the Education and Training / Outreach Initiatives Fund. Students attending congregations within our family of churches and are pursuing continuing education are eligible to receive financial support from the Education and Training Fund.
Email the EMMC Office for details on how to apply for this funding.
Email the EMMC Office for details on how to apply for this funding.
Christian Mennonite Conference (CMC)
The CMC offers funding as incentive to its members for Christian Education at SBC. For questions or to apply, please contact the CMC Office. Your local CMC church may also offer some funding.
Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba (MBCM)
The MBCM may offer funding specifically for pastoral track students. Please contact the MBCM Office. Your local MBCM church may also offer some funding.
Home Church Bursary
Your local church may also offer some funding specifically for students taking discipleship and ministry training. Ask your pastor to see if they will sponsor you. And be sure to let your pastor know how you plan to use your SBC training in service of the church!
Barnabas Bursary
Each of SBC's Constituent Conferences may recommend one emerging leader from their Conference to train individuals to receive pastoral training at SBC. This would be for mature individual's whom the congregations have identified as upcoming ministerial leaders.
Considerations for Eligibility
- This is for leaders the church would like to train and possibly appoint as new pastoral leaders at some point. This is not for existing pastors seeking professional development.
- This is normally for mature students, many of whom would have families.
- The four conferences would each give this bursary to one new pastor per year.
- The conference would determine who receives this bursary, but the normal SBC application process and requirements would apply.
- Courses could be taken part time or full time. However, a student would need to take two courses each year (fall, winter, or spring) to remain a Barnabas recipient. All courses at SBC can be taken online.
- A person can be a Barnabas recipient for a maximum of 5 years.
- It is strongly encouraged that the student attend SBC in person for at least one semester, ideally at the beginning of the program. We believe that connecting with other students and faculty is a huge part of good pastoral education.
- Current tuition rates can be found here.
- Students would pay for their own housing and could live anywhere. However, SBC will give priority to those seeking campus housing for students who are accepted by April 30. This depends on availability.
- Students would commit to serving in the church for 2 years after graduation.
Application Process
- A church would identify someone with potential and willingness to be a pastor who does not have the needed training.
- Conference leadership selects this person to be the Barnabas recipient for that year and notifies SBC of their choice: Barnabas Bursary Nomination
- Candidate applies at SBC.
- If accepted as a student into SBC the college, the Conference, and the pastor (or congregation) would each pay 1/3 of the tuition for this student to attend SBC