Layton Friesen, PhD

Academic Dean, Professor - Bible & Theology

A Bit About Layton
Layton enjoys reading, woodworking, going to the gym, and having coffee with friends. He loves writing, preaching, and mentoring. He loves to think about the basic convictions of the Christian faith and about how those convictions change the way we live.

In the past, he has served as youth pastor at Crestview Fellowship, lead pastor at Fort Garry EMC, and as Conference Pastor of the EMC Conference. He is also an accomplished author, writing books on why Anabaptists were so despised in the 16th century, and on how Anabaptist theology relates to the world in the 21st century. His latest work is titled Secular Nonviolence and the Theo-Drama of Peace, published in March 2022.

He is married to Glenda, and they have two adult children. Together they live in Winnipeg, and attend the Fort Garry EMC Church.
  • BRS, Steinbach Bible College
  • MA & ThM, Regent College
  • PhD, University of St. Michael's College
  • Associate Pastor of Youth and Fellowship, Crestview Fellowship Church, Winnipeg
  • Pastor, Fort Garry EMC Church, Winnipeg
  • Conference Pastor, Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 2017-2022
  • Academic Dean, SBC, 2022-present