Consider our Steinbach Bible College facilities to host for your event. We look forward to serving you and have some great facility options to choose from!
Click the following to see our rental options: Rentals
The SBC Library has a collection of over 45,000 titles and hundreds of periodical backfiles. The library also subscribes to approximately 60 magazines and journals. Furthermore, SBC students have access to EBSCO databases with roughly 6,000 e-books.
SBC Faculty are available to bring workshops, sermons and teaching series to your church. Camps have also benefited from Faculty doing training sessions for their staff. Topics and formats will be tailored to your context and schedule.
View the full listing of Faculty and Topics
SBC Bible study guides are written by SBC faculty and/or students. They are ideal for adult Sunday School classes or home-based small groups. Leader guides and study guides are available for each series.
Ministry Teams
- Ignite! is SBC’s worship team. It is unique in that it does not simply perform a selection of music, but rather chooses songs that all in attendance can sing together.
- New Creation is SBC’s drama troupe. This six-member drama team spends the college year preparing various sketches as well as a full-length production for ministry in churches and schools.
- Free Servant is a praise & worship band leading worship at Youth Events/Retreats, Coffee Houses and for Sunday morning worship in church.
Be challenged and encouraged at the annual SBC Leadership Conference! Each March you are invited to join us as we learn together about leadership issues from a biblical perspective.
The Leadership Conference is sponsored by SBC and its supporting conferences. A guest speaker(s) presents a series of lectures on a topic that will challenge and encourage those in various fields of ministry.
Can’t make it in person?
- Stream the Leadership Conference to your home church
- Watch the videos after the Conference concludes
At this time, we are pausing our public membership sales for the SBC Fitness Room. Only available to SBC staff and students, and SCS staff and students (grade 11 and 12 only).
Are you looking for paid or volunteer workers? Post your ministry opportunity here.
Or perhaps you are looking for a new ministry where you can serve! Explore the options listed here.

Steinbach Bible College has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. REES allows members of our campus community to Create a Record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, Report to Police, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.
REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to https://reescommunity.com/campus and select Steinbach Bible College from the drop-down list.