


Evening Intensive – Healthcare As Ministry

Steinbach Bible College 50 PTH 12 North, Steinbach, Manitoba

Healthcare As Ministry -Faith and the Care of Others- Join Terry Kaufman (SBC Professor), Tannis Nickel (CEO of the HavenGroup), and Sheri Stoupe (Regional Campus Manager of RRC Polytech), as […]


Evening Intensive – Healthcare As Ministry

Steinbach Bible College 50 PTH 12 North, Steinbach, Manitoba

Healthcare As Ministry -Faith and the Care of Others- Join Terry Kaufman (SBC Professor), Tannis Nickel (CEO of the HavenGroup), and Sheri Stoupe (Regional Campus Manager of RRC Polytech), as […]

SBC Spring Intensive – The Gospel According to Ruth

Steinbach Bible College 50 PTH 12 North, Steinbach, Manitoba

The Gospel According to Ruth "Discovering the Beauty Of God's Mission" with Nate Wall-Bowering, BA The Book of Ruth appears simple on the surface. It tells the quaint but poignant […]

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