

Melissa dueck, bmus, bed

Program Advisor

The Worship specialization is for students desiring to worship God and for developing skills in worship ministry.

“I felt a call on my life to learn more about God’s Word and learn how to use my gifts for His glory. I decided to check SBC out and after a month I decided to stay for three years. Working together with a group of other musicians who are all very talented and finding out how we can work together to make beautiful music. Also how to be authentic in leading worship, not just playing a show, but actually being involved and engaged in worship. Also having a group of others helps me stay accountable to not doing it for myself, but rather focusing on what God wants."

- Andrew

Learning Outcomes

  • Know the biblical foundation of worship ministry and apply these to local church worship services.
  • Demonstrate the ability to guide a group in leading a congregation or smaller group in corporate worship.
  • Understand the use of imagination for expressing Christian faith in life and worship.
  • Be understanding of worship traditions and be willing to minister in a variety of styles.
  • Acquire one performance skill in music or drama that can be used in leading or contributing to corporate worship.

Career & Ministry Opportunities

Graduates are servant leaders in their churches serving in areas of teaching, children's ministry, counselling, missions, pastoral, worship, and youth ministries. Some continue in Christian seminaries and graduate schools, university studies, or vocational training. Graduates serve their communities in areas such as education, nursing, business, social work, TESOL, agriculture, and domestic life.