The Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship is a $3,000 ($500/semester) scholarship available to students transferring from Steinreich Bibelschule (SBS) who demonstrate academic achievement, ministry leadership and plans for future ministry.
Am I Eligible?
Recipients must be transferring from SBS to Steinbach Bible College (SBC). Normally this would be a SBS grad transferring in one year from SBS and entering SBC’s second-year of a three or four year degree.
Recipients must be registered at SBC for 12 or more credit hours of courses per semester to receive the scholarship.
Disbursement of Funds
The Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship will be awarded in equal instalments each semester of full-time study ($500/semester). This works out to $1,000 per year of study at SBC.
Example: a student in a 3 year BA would receive $2,000 ($500/semester) while a student in a 4 year BA would receive $3,000 ($500/semester).
Disbursement of funds will take place within 4 weeks after each semester start date. A reduction of credit hours (less than 12 cr.) within the semester in which the scholarship was received, will result in forfeit of the scholarship amount for the respective semester.
Award Deferral
Students may defer an awarded Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship for one calendar year (i.e. student applies to SBC, is accepted, is awarded a Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship, but chooses to defer starting school until a later semester).
Students receiving this scholarship are not eligible for the Academic Entrance Scholarship.
Terms and conditions of the Steinreich Bibelschule Transfer Scholarship award program are subject to change.