Mission X Update

Mission X Update

Posted on January 14, 2022

After careful consideration, Steinbach Bible College has made the decision to move Mission X back two weeks from all the groups’ original start date, due to the rise of COVID-19 cases in Manitoba.

MX 1 and MX2, originally set to begin on February 16, will now run from March 1-10.
In addition, The MX3 team currently set to leave for Spain on February 10 will also be moved back, and the team will now leave for Spain on February 24 and return on March 17th.
The move of Mission X will also affect the school’s calendar, as Spring Break has been moved back to the week of March 14-18 to accommodate this change.

First-year students at SBC (MX1) participate in para-church service and rescue initiatives in Winnipeg’s core area for five days.

Second-year students (MX2) travel to Indigenous communities across Northern Manitoba. Students learn about their culture and serve alongside them as they build relationships.

Third-year students (MX3) are heading to Spain this semester with the opportunity serve with various ministries abroad. This team has also gone to other countries such as Germany, Mexico, England, Cuba, the Philippines, and more.

SBC continues to follow all guidance from Manitoba Public Health. These plans are subject to change based on any new public health orders or regulations.
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