
Pursuit is a 4-month discipleship program designed for young adults to ‘seek first God’s kingdom’ through experiential learning, intentional discipleship, outdoor pursuits, urban ministries with partner organizations, and travel-ministry adventures. Add an additional semester to complete a one-year XL Certificate.

Are you seeking a gap-year experience? Dedicate a season to spiritual growth, faith formation, and travel, while living in Christ-centered community building life-long friendships.

Pursuit Certificate - Fall Semester

Beginning September and running to December, Pursuit’s fall session focuses on camp ministries and exciting opportunities of travelling to Canada’s beautiful Pacific coast.

For 14 weeks, live in community with your fellow Pursuit team members in the SBC residence. Each service activity, class, and adventure will be done together with your team members.

Enjoy the broader SBC community by participating in barbeques, retreats, orientations, Care Groups, some classes, and other campus community events.

Enjoy team building adventures, service learning projects, and class time together with your team mates. Classes include Camp Ministry and Spiritual Formation. Students will build a biblical foundation and acquire leadership skills.

This is an active learning program! After kicking off the year with a Pursuit retreat, students will experience weekly adventure and team building exercises along with weekly service projects. Students will also participate in an urban mission week in Winnipeg.

On alternating years, the Pursuit team will travel to Canada’s Pacific Coast to work with Camp Qwanoes, or to Brazil to work with Quest Brazil. In 2024, the team will travel to Brazil!

Program Cost

Tuition, Room & Board


Deposit (due August 1, 2024)$2,000*

*This includes travel fees ($3,200) which can be fundraised.

Application & Deposit Deadline is August 1, 2024.

Pursuit XL Certificate - Full Year

Continuing January and running to April, students can add a second semester of studies to complete a XL Certificate.

By selecting this full-year option, you would also become eligible to apply for Canada Student Loans! See our finance page for more details.

For 16 weeks, live in community with your fellow Pursuit team members in the SBC residence. Each service activity, class, and adventure will be done together with your team members.

Enjoy the broader SBC community by participating in some classes, Care Groups, and other campus community events.

Enjoy team-building adventures, service learning projects, and class time together with your teammates. Classes include Ministry 101 (Mission Xposure 1), etc. Students will build a biblical foundation and spiritual formation.

Program Cost

Tuition, Room & Board


*This includes travel fees ($3,200) which can be fundraised.

Application & Deposit Deadline is August 1, 2024.

Seek First God's Kingdom

Spritual Growth

Study scripture, worship, and spend time in prayer. Discover tools of spiritual disciplines and faith formation. Develop healthy habits of obedience & faithfulness. Gain understanding in core Christian beliefs while demonstrating and sharing the Gospel.

Leadership Development 

Develop servant leadership skills for church and ministry. Through engaging teaching and practical workshops you’ll discover your personal character and gifts, practicing your leadership by leading a team and being part of a team.

Personal Discovery 

Serve in intercultural contexts across western Canada and pursue the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life. Realize your gifts and passions and practice discernment in mentor and peer relationships. Gain confidence in your direction for life as you follow Jesus in discipleship.


Experiential Learning 

We mix in-class lecture with real-world assignments. Regular off-campus excursions become remote classrooms, giving real-to-life context to our curriculum. Assignments are practical by nature, applying directly to student’s lives.

Practical Application 

We put into practice in our lives the principles taught in our classroom. Spiritual discipline exercises, personal Bible study habits, and leadership experiences are just a few of the ways we apply our assignments practically to our lives.

Missional Experience 

We develop servant leaders and disciples of Jesus by learning to value the global Church and experiencing other cultures. Students serve locally and travel across Canada to learn from missionaries and ministry workers.


Experiences Designed for Growth 

  • Retreats
  • Outdoor Adventures
  • Team Building Challenges
  • Ministry & Service Opportunities
  • Mentoring & Learning
  • Student Care Groups & SBC Student Life

Travel & Missions 

  • 1-Week Urban Winnipeg Trip
  • Adventure Learning Experiences
  • 10-day service experience either internationally or to the Canadian Pacific Coast.


I believe there is incredible value in dedicating a season of life to seeking spiritual direction. My passion is to see God transform hearts and lives as students pursue Him in all aspects of their lives. Pursuit is a tremendous opportunity to focus on faith, challenge your abilities, grow in confidence, form life-long friendships, and discern your purpose and calling.

Pursuit is based on the principle found in Matthew 6:33 which says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”. My prayer for you and for me is that we will embrace the sacrifice of putting Jesus first and pursuing God in all areas of our lives. I look forward to having you join us in Pursuit as we ‘Seek First.’

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